That's Selfish
On Sunday we had a really great fireside. Two brothers that both play football for BYU and are both returned missionaries spoke to us. They had so many things that I found really great that I can apply to my life. I hope all the youth were listening because they taught us some great lessons.
One of them talked about how they were good people and made the right choices when it came to the big decisions like drinking or smoking e.t.c. when they were teenagers. He pointed out that it's good to know the church is's better to live the true church. It's the small things- reading your scriptures daily, saying personal prayers, paying attention in seminary and Sunday school. Take it seriously- you'll grow if you do. He said a quote that I'm not sure where it came from, "As tiny drops of water shape out landscape; minute by minute choices we make shape our character." What kind of a character do I want for myself? I've been thinking about this constantly now.
Don't think about yourself. That's what both of them kept saying. They said that when you go on a mission everything stops being about you. Both wished they had stopped thinking all about themselves before their missions to prepare themselves. You have to think about the Lord's plan, not yourself.
One brother was getting into football and was excelling a lot. He approached his RM brother and his wife one night and said that he was not going on a mission. He wanted to stay and continue with football. His brother told him he was selfish. It's not always supposed to be about you. Focus on others.
You have to make the right choices for you. You have to decide for yourself to make the right choices.
So then yesterday while I was studying my scriptures I was reading in D&C 4. And right next to the section beginning I have written, "What does it take to be a servant of the Lord?" Everyone always relates this section to missions and missionaries, but I related it to
*see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.
*if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work
*faith, hope, charity, and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work
*remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence
*ask, and ye shall receive; knock and it shall be opened unto you
There are so many things that apply to me now. We should apply these scriptures to our callings, our roles in our families, and just our daily lives.
sara this is so true. you are so smart. i'm bummed that i missed the fireside but now that i know what they spoke about i feel a lot better. thanks :)
so i got a new post and cleaned mine up a little bit, it was like picking up laundry off your bedroom floor but way easier (i LOVE my analogies)
my post isnt very deep thinking cuz then again, i dont do that very often
i didnt really pay attention to fireside so thanks for letting me know what really happened, i had no idea that they were football players, which reminds me... tyler is a loser
u going to the service project sat?
who is little geoffrey? Nixon? Easton? Great post. You are such a strong young woman and I know you are a good example to your friends. It's such a crazy world now and I'm grateful for firesides and the youth program that keep young people like you going strong, full of faith, and filled with a desire to choose the right. I can only imagine what the world is going to be like when Trent is older....
Wow...I guess you aren't our little girl now... words of wisdom from a beautiful young lady.
Serve the Lord with your heart, soul, and mind...
Grandma and Grandpa continue prayers for you and your family daily.
Blessings, Hugs and Kisses XOXOXOXO
so basically i just scrolled through all of your songs and i am not impressed one bit, even the music in your car is better than that... even the music in nicole flakes car is better than that, and that says something (no offense nicole, but u have lame music)
u should maybe get some metallica or AC/DC or Guns N Roses, or something more epic than justin timberlake...AHH
PS is what the order of the letters would be in the alphabet is u removed the Q and the R
think about it, youll get it eventually
And I thought you were paying such close attention just because it was 2 cute football players! You're so awesome Sara!
yea they might be gross, but they are two vitals to life, what would it be like if you couldnt eat or walk, yea that would suck... plese take the songs off, please
I agree with Nic - there is some questionable music here. I know we've done better than that at exposing you to excellent tunes. Has your dad seen that playlist yet?
But Nic, don't completey discredit JT. That's some fine work out music!
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