Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A Documentary About Mormon History

So some lady makes a documentary about Mormons and PBS shows it. You can watch it here if you missed it on T.V. My seminary teacher encouraged us all to watch it if our testimonies are strong because it does have some different views in it I guess...

Watch it (it's 4 hours long! Yikes!) I'm watching it now. I'm sure I'll have something to say about it after I'm done. We're supposed to come with views and opinions and questions to seminary. We'll see how that goes...


Anonymous said...

I watched it too and really enjoyed most of it. In the sheltered life I have lead, I forget there are very angry, bitter people who have chosen to not live the gospel and then are bitter they are turned away. Listening to them be so sad made me sad for them. They are missing out on some great blessings. I am thankful for Joseph Smith and his courage to stand up for what he knew was true and right, and hope we can all stand true.

nic said...

i was going to make a deal for u to get rid of the playlist and i would get rid of that picture, but that playlist is gone so i guess ill just get rid of it anyway