Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cast Off!!!!

No... We're not casting off on a cruise, although we all would love that. Instead we have a cast that has been removed. Yes. Easton's cast is gone. Finally!

This means 2 things. He can stop taking baths and holding his arm out of the tub in a trash bag. And he can play in his last hockey game! Both exciting things!

Nixon would like to point out that these things can only happen if he doesn't break his arm again. It does just seem like he was getting the cast before this one off. Funny how little boys do things to break their arms.

This also means that our spring break trip to a lake will not be ruined (I'm trying not to be so obvious to stalkers.)!


Anonymous said...

its ok easton! this is a good friend of mine only three weeks after getting his cast off. he looks fine. you're almost there! ( just copy and paste the address) http://z.about.com/f/wiki/e/en/thumb/5/50/Arnold-flexing.jpg/300px-Arnold-flexing.jpg

nic said...

sorry im commenting so much but i have nothing else to do...ur trip was ruined anyway cuz i was there and didnt beat u at speed and nixon busted his elbow, that wasnt that bad. ur next blog should be about ur trip to lake powell, and how u cheated on wakeboaring, which i dont relaly understand cuz most people get up on their first or second try and it took u like 20 so i guess that could be cheating and i should also be about how awesome i am and how it made ur trip that much better

nic said...

there are a whole bunch of typos in my last comment...sorry

Sara said...

Wow Nic. Bored much? haha well I'm in the process of writing a really long entry about lake powell... and then my mom stops me. She says I have to work on school for a while before I can finish it. Sorry. It'll be up. And the smugmug pictures are going up slowly. It's stupid that you can't upload more than like 70 pictures at a time (we took ALOT of pictures while we were there haha) Hope you don't die from boredom. You could practice playing speed though hahaha then MAYBE you could beat me lol :D

nic said...

u should maybe comment on mine once in awhile even though u probably havent had the chance im gonna give u a hard time anyway its nicq1.blogspot.com incase u havent figured that out yet