Friday, March 23, 2007

My Day Today

Well. I decided I would let my mom take her silly camera and use the computer ALL morning so that she could put the pictures of her trip to California up. So really I didn't get any school work done. This is what I did instead......

#1. I made a cake. This is a very delicious cake that I enjoy making. Yummy oreo cake. It's probably really not what a dancer should be eating too much of (we are getting a nutrition talk tonight from our dance teachers. It's going to be on foods to eat and foods not to eat. Yippie!) but I find it delicious. So oh well. I believe everything in moderation is fine.

#2. I cleaned the pantry. I really enjoy organizing and cleaning things (I probably shouldn't be saying this out in the open. Now I'm sure that many people will be asking me to come clean for them. But it's ok because I would do it!). I didn't have anything else to do. Well I guess that's a lie because I really probably had so many other things I could've done. I chose to do this instead. It really sounded exciting. Now in a week or so, all my organizing and work will have gone to waste and it will be a mess again. That's alright. I need something to do with my time don't I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just have to say one thing. That cake looks sooooo delicious... haha :)