Well. I have a question. I was re-organizing under the computer desk today (I seem to have a habit of organizing things) and noticed that the one thing that seemed to have so many cords that I couldn't figure out what they were was the wireless Internet stuff! I mean take a look at it!!
It has the box with the antennas on it, with a phone line connected to the computer, and it has a power cord (I understand this one!), but it also has another phone line running from it to this little white box thing, which has another phone line running out the other side that connects to the wall. But this little white box thing has this random green cord just sticking out of it. And this also has a power cord! This I do not understand. I thought the point of wireless Internet meant less wires (I know it really means that you don't dial-up.. but really... lets just add more wires!) I think that my dad's best friend might be able to explain it to me. But then again he can't seem to get the stupid new ipod shuffles to work for my brothers...
I'm no computer genius or anything, but I think that if I had an education in technology, I would make this as little of cords and wires as possible. But that's just me...
Haha figure this one out. Does it make you feel a little better? its not my mess, I promise.
Who is little Geoffrey? Your dad? I just caught up on your blog and I love it! I had no idea you liked organizing things so much. Good for you. It's the best feeling, isn't it? And by the way, nice HUGE pantry! Love it! Well, I hate to tell you, but a few months ago, I gave away a lot of clothes to some girls in my ward that are either too short or too small for me now that I've had a baby! I wish you were here to give them to you, but I don't buy as nice a clothes as I used to now that I don't work so you're not missing out too much. Bye!
see this is something u should go to college for... told u it would come in handy
-this is nic by the way
u guys need to get more the lake powell pics on smugmug, theres none of u falling wakeboarding, and there are no pictures of me, except for the one where im wearing the purple dry suit and seans fingers are right in front of my face so u cant really tell whats going on
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